Monday, August 23, 2010

Checking In

I have been neglectful about blogging lately. Sorry. I just got back from retreat and I wish I could say I had pictures. I don't. I took the camera. I didn't take the battery charger. You guessed it--the battery was low. Some others took pictures and if and when they get to share I will post. We did have a good time. There were ten of us -- more than we've ever had. We stayed at LeRetreat House in Gainesville, Tx. It is a nice old house with four bedrooms and four bathrooms. It is always so much fun to see what everyone brings to work on. I took the black and red exploding pineapple project to make more blocks and sew together. Mission accomplished! I will post a picture just as soon as I charge the battery. LOL

We've also had more house guests. Not quite as little as last time. DGD Aimee and DGS Mac came and stayed several days and we had a good time. We sewed. Even Mac! And he is good. I sewed Aimee a tiered skirt from one of the batiks I sell. No picture. I know bad blogger! Maybe I can get her mom to take one with her wearing it. That would be nice. I found this neat tutorial for a cute little girl's ruffled skirt. I can't wait to make her a few of course I will have to refigure for a larger size but it will be easy. Also found this and want to make one. And not to leave Mac out I asked him about making a shirt for him and he picked out a fabric. I guess I better get busy!

I am only going to acknowledge that the temperatures here have been well, AWFUL. Well over 100 degrees for several weeks. The grass is burning. We turned the cow and calf in on the blackeyed peas. The tomatoes and peppers have dryed up. I gave up on them. BUT we are forecast for cooler weather soon. Ten degrees will be so much of a difference. Can't wait.

Ya'll stay as cool as you can, 

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


I am in love! With lovely golden luscious peaches. I kid you not I could eat my weight in these fruits. I have canned, frozen slices, frozen juice for jelly, frozen pulp for jam and tomorrow we pick more, yeah. And on the agenda is to make Pickled Peaches and Cinnamon Peach Jelly and Jam and more cobblers.  Tonight I made Peach Salsa  to go with our ham and black-eyed peas. And we kinda liked it. I'm going to tweak it a little. I cut up a few peaches, a little red and green bell pepper, a jalapeno, a bit of onion and squeezed a lime over it all. Some recipes add cilantro and garlic. I have since learned tonight online that I can can Peach Salsa.Gotta love the internet. On our ham I like to mix brown sugar and plum jelly or jam and spread over. We generally have our ham cut into steaks. And one steak will give us two meals.
So to recap and to explain my shriveled hands.I'm loving it! I picked 3/4 bushel of black-eyed peas Saturday morning; shelled them and canned them later that evening. We had picked peaches Friday morning and they weren't quite ripe so laid them out to ripen more. Sunday I started blanching and peeling. Cutting and freezing. This batch I froze. The previous picking I canned. These days I don't feel normal unless I'm standing at the sink cutting or peeling something. LOL We are also enjoying cantaloupe from another neighbor. Another friend gave me Jalapeno Jelly.

And here is the latest addition to our pig collection. My fellow Kraz-z Quilter, Jan, gave me these last Wednesday. Aren't they 'dorable? They are carved from wood. We are expecting a new litter this coming weekend. Bless the poor humans and beasties in this heat. Triple digits are forecast through next Monday. It is definitely August in Texas. Today I did laundry and hung on the line to help save on the electricity bill. In this kind of heat I  "wet" the hogs down about mid afternoon.

DH has gotten some work the last couple of weeks. Sounds like it might be sporadic for a bit. We are thankful for God's provision.
