Tuesday, May 03, 2011

A Quiltey Post

'Bout time! LOL My posts have been lacking pictures of quilts. Today will hopefully make up for that.

Several weeks ago I went to a quilt show in Decatur sponsored by the Women's Club. Lots of antique quilts and lots of applique and embroidery.

This one makes me smile!

A signature quilt

A close up

A cathedral window

Took a picture with my hand so you could see how small these are!

There were several of this type--combination of applique and embroidery.

This one was over a 100 years old.

This last Saturday I had some shoppers come to shop : ) .

Dot brought her quilt to show me. She made this using the pattern from Sew Simple Pineapples. The fabric except for one border she bought from Quilt Catering--my store! She is hand quilting. Good job, Dot! She brought her friend Joanne with her. They were in the area camping with their hubbys and a group. Fun.

I started making these stacked moon block several years ago. I pulled them out on Sunday afternoon and finished this up. It measures 40 inches square. I will use it for a baby quilt.

Some of my favorite blocks

Have a wonderful day.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Hello from a cool Texas!

Record lows forecast for tonight! We were in the 40s today. In May. We've gotten some wonderful rain last week and this weekend. The grass is so pretty and green. Our pear tree is loaded with pears. Speaking of grass--it grew inches overnight.

I put the hummingbird feeder up a week ago. They found it within an hour. This weekend we had swarms of hummingbirds. It was amazing. They drank 1 1/2 cups sugar water in two days. I've got to get another feeder next trip to Wal-Mart. 

Have you seen Molly's Place blog? She's got a free Boots BOM going on right now.  So cute!
