Monday, April 15, 2013

Relaxing Today

I am relaxing after last week.  Our neighbor passed away after the massive heart attack.  We went to her funeral last Saturday.  Monday, I went to Graham and put on a demo for the Cross Stitchers.  I had a fabulous time there and met more quilters.  I spent Tuesday (I mowed the yard, too)  and part of Wednesday (went to Kraz-z Quilters part of the day) getting ready (cutting fat quarters and yardage) to do a demo for the Thursday Quilters in Saginaw.  Then on Thursday I drove over and had a super time visiting them. I remembered my camera.  And even better.  I remembered to take pictures! : )

They are such a fun group of ladies.  The lady in the center of the picture with the white hair facing right is 96 years young.  I hope I am quilting away at 96!

I showed them a new (to me) way to cut bias binding that is SO much better and easier.

Kathy Seals of The Quilt Patch

And of course I am now carrying her laminated sheets that remind you how to cut the binding and on the back she has included instructions on how to sew your binding on by machine or by hand. 

Our oldest DS#1 is doing better after back surgery.  Thank you for your prayers.  I had time to unload my "store" after Thursday and do a little house cleaning and grocery shopping and then the two youngest grandkids came for the weekend.  We had a wonderful time.  The weather was perfect and they played outside all weekend.  I bet they went to bed early last night.  ; )  We planted tomato plants and cucumber and zucchini seeds.  The stores were out of yellow squash seeds!  From what Hog Man tells me people around here planted early and the frost got their garden.   That's why we always wait.  This Friday morning we have forecast overnight lows in the upper 30s.  We will probably cover our plants. 

The hummingbird feeder is out and has had lots of visitors.  The barn swallows are back and nesting.  The Eastern Phoebe stole the barn swallow's nest on the front porch.  She laid her eggs before the swallows arrived.

Today is sunny and warm so I am going to wash a few quilts and the sheets on our bed.  I will run a few errands then I hope to relax and quilt on DD's dresden quilt. 

The irises are in bloom and are so pretty.  I will walk around the yard and get some pictures. 

Blessings and happy quilting.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Catching Up

This post is long over due.  Where has the time gone?  Let's see--I spent about two weeks under the weather with allergies.  I have never before had so much trouble with allergies.  They sure side lined me.  Now I am playing catch up.  Is it possible to get two weeks back?  I don't know but I am sure trying.

First off-- I have special prayer requests.  Our neighbor, Carla, suffered a massive heart attack on Sunday morning and died yesterday.  Could you please lift her family in prayer at this time?  Another request--our DS#1 had back surgery on Mar. 25 and is recovering.  And one of my quilting buddies, Alice, found a lump in her breast and it is positive for cancer.  She has surgery this next week.  I told her she would be in many people's prayers.  Thank you for your prayers.

I had a real treat on March 23.  The First Presbyterian Church here in town hosted the Supper Quilt modeled after The Last Supper painting by da Vinci.  It was a site to see.  They also displayed quilts on the pews and hung on the balcony.  The ladies of the church did a wonderful job.  They had wonderful refreshments and a violinist playing.  This is the same church where our Wednesday group Kraz-z Quilters meets.  They asked us to have our room open and some of us volunteered to spend that time hand quilting for those who walked through to see quilting in action.  I had a wonderful time and enjoyed it tremendously. 

I am making progress on my DD's Dresden Plate quilt.  I try to quilt an hour in the morning and a couple of hours or so in the evening.  But I am going to have to hurry--May deadline is approaching and with the weather warming up; a quilt is not comfortable to be under.  ; )

Can you see the tulips I marked in the pink border?  I used a Frixion pen. 

I have two groups of quilters to visit next week.  I am busy this week getting ready.  It is going to be fun!
