Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Blooming 9 Patch Hopeful

Here are three fabrics I have picked so far for the Blooming 9 Patch I want to make. After taking the picture I really like how these look together; I think. Question is--what fabric do I go for next? I was going to use the more yellow piece in the center but after seeing the photo I think the one with the most white is the better choice. There is some green and dark rust/maroon in the yellow fabric if I go with it for my third choice. Oh, I don't know what to do! I hope to go shopping at a nice little shop that has 42% off til the 14th for the rest of the fabric. Anybody for a field trip?

Today, I am making more Zucchini Bread and Zucchini Jam. And tomorrow I am trying out a Zucchini Pie on my Kraz-z Quilers. It is like a quiche. I'll let you know. Oh, by the way, the Zucchini Jam got DH approval. Yes! No, "Marmaduke Puke".



  1. Those 3 look good so far. If you are making it like mine the 3 fabrics in the center each take less than 1 yard and the outer ones take up to 2 yards. If you have large yardage of these I would suggest buying 2 new fabrics for the center. Each fabric just has to blend in to the fabrics on each side of it. It doesn't have to match anything else in the quilt. you can definitely go darker at least 2 steps and maybe add some greens in.

  2. Hi Marilyn, here from Wanda's & her advice sounds good to me.
    I have enjoyed my visit.
    We love Zucchinis & my daughter makes the most delicious Quiche style dish using them.


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