Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's Done

Yup, the Rose 4 Patch Stacked Posies is now a quilt top. I finished it up last night. I was doing a happy dance last night! This is a gift for someone and once it is presented I will take more pictures.
Also be sure and check out Blog of the Week in the sidebar. Some neat stuff.

Blessings and happy quilting,

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Have you read?

Have you read The Shack by Wm. Paul Young? I just finished it and really enjoyed it. In The Shack you will read how Mack receives emotional healing both from his own childhood and after his daughter's murder. God works in mysterious ways.


Star BOM Block #12

Block#12 is done and one more to go! I am really wanting to see this all together now.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Pay It Forward

Hello everyone! I tried this on one post several weeks ago and I didn't get any takers. Probably my fault--I posted on a Monday and probably everyone was too busy to care about a PIF right then. Well, here goes. I signed up at Connie W's Cootie Bug 2 blog for a PIF and have agreed to pass it on. Here's how it works (I have copy/paste the info below):

"It’s based on the concept of the movie “Pay it Forward” where acts or deeds of kindness are done without expecting something in return, just passing it on, with hope that the recipients of the acts of kindness pass it on. So here’s how it works. I will make and send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment to this post on the blog requesting to join this PIF exchange. I do not know what that gift will be yet, and it won’t be sent this month, probably not next month, but it will be sent (within 6 months) and that’s a promise! What YOU have to do in return, then, is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog."

So there it is! I will make a handmade gift and send to the first 3 people who leave a comment to this post requesting to join this PIF exchange. I promise. I don't know yet what it might be --probably won't be anything big but it will be handmade just for you. Please if you don't have a blog leave me an email address so I can get in touch with you.


Monday, February 16, 2009

Calling all Quilters

Here is an opportunity to help those who have lost so much in the bushfires in Australia. Camp Follower has asked for wonky star blocks and has set up a Bushfire Quilt Project for those who would like to help. And Sew Many Quilts-Too Little Time has asked for string blocks made in the quilt as you go method.

I know we all have scraps that we can make into a few blocks. With the Bushfire Quilt Project if you are in America you can mail to her APO address.

These are excellent ideas to make community quilt projects for those in our own communities who find themselves homeless after a fire. I know we had a family who lost their home a couple of weeks ago in our county. I bet you know someone or someone you know knows someone. Let's reach out and see who we can bless with a comforting quilt. Shall we?


Friday, February 13, 2009

Busy Week

Happy Valentines! We loaded pigs to take to auction on Tuesday before daylight. Then Tuesday afternoon DGS Mac had a program at school that I was invited to. It was a musical with percussion instruments and he had a speaking part. He did good. I got pictures. Wanna see? I knew you would!

This one was after the program and they
had already taken up the thingy a ma jiggys.

Afterward I got to check both DGS and DGD out of school early (lucky me with parental permission, of course) and we went to Dairy Queen for a treat and visited while their mom was still teaching. Then we met mom at their house and visited. While we were talking it came a hail storm. Nothing big -- marble size at the most. And the sun was shining! I knew we were forecast for bad weather later that evening so I gave my goodbye hugs and kisses and headed home. We didn't get any bad weather just rain and some wind. But Colleyville in the DFW area and areas near the Red River and Oklahoma just across the Red River from us did receive some really bad weather.

Then Wednesday as you know I have Kraz-z Quilters. I made lasagna (Stouffer's lasagna --Stouffer's did all the work) and salad and we quilted and quilted. Then Thursday I loaded up my quilting notions and went to Post Oak. I had a lovely time with the Busy Bees of Post Oak and a wonderful meal. Folks, this is the real thing. An old time quilting bee! Thanks, ladies.

Needless to say you didn't have to rock me to sleep either night. And I have been sewing rows on the Navy 4 Patch Stacked Posies as I have time per Wanda at Exuberant Color's method to save time. I think I'm going to like this. Since it is chained together, nothing gets separated and it's easy to pin the next step.

I'll get you a picture of my crumb blocks later. I have a total of 63 now. I love quilting! 8 )


Sunday, February 08, 2009

Prayer for Australia needed

I have made Lindi's blog --Blog of the Week-- in my sidebar. She is from Australia and Australia needs our prayers right now. Read her blog and find out what's going on.

Thank you for taking time to pray.

Friday, February 06, 2009

Star BOM Block #11

Here's #11. Just two more to go if I remember correctly. Then we set them together with sashing on point. Then we get our instructions for the borders. It's coming along nicely. I have learned a lot with this BOM. Thanks to Judy L from Patchworktimes.


Thursday, February 05, 2009

She says it all

Uganda's First Lady says it all. Below is a quote from an article found here.

"Failure to abstain and to be faithful is a reflection of a bigger problem—the failure to love," she said, adding that a lack of discipline and self-control not only manifests itself in promiscuity, but makes people likely to abuse alcohol and drugs.
"There is no condom against alcohol, substance abuse or corruption. There is no condom to protect us against life. The condom to protect us against the hazards of life is self-discipline, respect and value of God-given life," Mrs. Museveni said.

