Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day

Merry Christmas! Well, it is late and I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. My DH and I had a very quiet day. DD called so grandkids could tell us what Santa brought. We cooked a pork roast with potatoes and carrots. Wonderful!
We opened our presents from my sister and she sent me a quilting book, 100 Best Full-size Quilt Blocks & Borders. There are some neat patterns in this book; some I will probably be making just as soon as I get caught up. HeeHee! Or not. HeeHee! There's just some things a girl's gotta do for creativity's sake! You know how it calls?!
The last several days have flown by. We really enjoyed our visit to our parents. The weather was mild and it was so great to see DH's niece from Colorado and her children who we don't get to see very often. All of our children were there and it was fun to see all the little cousins playing together.
It's late; time to go to bed. Merry Christmas and a Quilty New Year!

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